102,215 New Foreclosures - March 2025 - Last update March 11, 2025 12:00 AM EST

Tenants Suffer From Foreclosure

It is not just the borrowers but tenants too are suffering from foreclosures. A couple of weeks after Kristi Schilling shifted to her new rented accommodation on Temple Street she started to breathe easily thinking that the worst of her troubles were over. Thirty five year old Kristi is a single mother with three children. When she first moved in there was no electric connection, no refrigerator and the stove did not work. Landlady Carol Borer and her son David had promised that these would be looked into but until Kristi took the matter into her own hands things did not move. But just when she was about to relax and put her feet up the bombshell fell – she came to know that the unit had been foreclosed upon and all the occupants would have to leave. The Borers knew all along about it but quietly pocketed the security money and rent without a murmur. Kristi moved in on 1st May only to know that she would have to move out on 20th May!

In Adams town there are many sufferers like Kristi. The town is trying to flush out landlords like the Borers. Scott Koczela is a Code Enforcement Officer. He says that actually there is not much legal muscle to do anything once the lender forecloses on a house. The only thing that can be done is to see that the building is not unsafe. Strictly speaking, as per law Borer has to return the money Kristin had paid.

Western Mass Legal Aid is trying to indict the elusive Borers and their like. The court is so overwhelmed with foreclosure work that it takes four to six weeks merely to get a date. Kristin had contacted many legal help organizations hoping to bring criminal charges against Borer. But Krsitin seems to be up against a wall. She cannot even reach a lawyer to get some sort of representation. Personally she is in the nursing profession and knows nothing about the law. Berkshire Regional Housing Authority failed to support her. Meanwhile she has already inspected 23 apartments and has yet to find a suitable place to shift to. There are many negative points – children, certificates etc. Yet there is a lot of tall talk about the evils of discrimination.

Marie Harpin of Berkshire Community defends their actions. Increasing foreclosures are taxing their capabilities to its limits. They are helpless.

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